如何免费体验 Notion Plus 版,无限制使用 AI 功能

Notion 发布了初创公司支持计划,符合条件的初创公司可在长达 3-6 个月的时间内免费使用 Notion Plus 版方案,包括无限制使用 AI 功能。


如果你目前是 Notion 的付费用户,曾经使用过 Notion 的付费方案,曾经收到过任何促销信息,拥有 50 名以上员工,或融资总额超过 1 千万美元,则无法享受此优惠政策。

该计划目前为邀请制,访问 notion.so/startups-apply,输入并选择推荐人 REFERRAL#6664401,并在表单末尾输入代码 KEY6664401。

Self Making A CRYPTOMATOR Portable Version

Warning: This is an unsupported use of Cryptomator. Proceed at your own risk and keep backups of your critical data.

Cryptomator is a great utility for encrypting your files in a seamless, transparent and cross-platform manner. It’s particularly designed to provide client-side encryption for file storage and synchronisation services such as Dropbox. It essentially sits between the files you save and the synchronised folder, encrypting your data before it gets stored and pushed up to the cloud.
继续阅读“Self Making A CRYPTOMATOR Portable Version”

神器:Atnsoft Key Manager 在windows下实现PopClip类菜单

背景:经常需要在Mac用远程桌面登入Windows 系统工作,而Microsoft提供的MacOS远程桌面App的DPI惨不忍睹。一个解决办法是用Parallel 中的Windows系统进行远程桌面访问。但是由于跨越多个系统导致一些系统快捷键时灵时不灵(热键占用?),例如Ctrl+C/V,尝试很多设置办法也没有解决。由于Windows不可以像MacOS一样修改系统快捷键,所以就希望找到一款第三方软件实现快捷键的修改,至少实现方便的复制粘贴功能。

继续阅读“神器:Atnsoft Key Manager 在windows下实现PopClip类菜单”

修改Office 365的更新频道

由于延期频道 是 Office 365 ProPlus 的默认更新频道,比current频道延迟四个月,一些新功能不能及时应用。参考Microsoft Technet找到了修改更新频道的方法:

1 首先下载组策略管理模板文件 (ADMX/ADML) ,注意对应office版本;

2 下载后执行,选择解压到任意文件夹;

3 将admx内的文件复制到 C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\

4 运行策略组管理器 (运行》gpedit.msc)

5 在“Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Office 2016 (Machine)\Updates”下找到此策略设置。启用组策略设置时的相关选项为 Current、Deferred 和 FirstReleaseDeferred。


免费增加Onedrive 2年100G空间

三星特定型号手机预装软件赠送了2年100G空间,没见过? 没关系。可以通过如下过程在任何一部安卓手机上获得此优惠。
1) 首先你需要一部安卓手机和一个onedrive账号。 没有账号可以通过我的推荐链接注册一个(额外多500MB)。 手机上如果有Onedrive app需要卸载。
2) 下载这个zip 文件解压后,用root 文件管理器将文件夹移动到/system/app/ 。
3) 设置此文件夹权限为rwxr-xr-x (0755) 及apk文件权限rw-r–r– (0644)
4) 重启,登录账号,需要同意上传照片。获得100g后可以将上传关闭。

100 GB Free 2 Years For OneDrive


OneDrive is Microsoft’s cloud storage (like Dropbox, Google Drive, or iCloud), if you have any Microsoft account (if not, it’s free) you can set up your OneDrive, it’s basically a free 15 GB of cloud storage. With the following steps, you can put an additional 100 GB on your OneDrive (albeit for 2 years only).


It boils down to this:
1) You need have an Android cell phone and an onedrive account. You also can sign one by this link. Uninstall the OneDrive app on your phone if it’s already installed
2) Download the zip in the thread to your phone, extract, and move the folder to /system/app/ with a root-enabled file explorer (ES File Explorer and Root Browser)
3) Set the folder’s permissions to rwxr-xr-x (0755) and the apk file’s permissions to rw-r–r– (0644)
4) Reboot and start the app, login and it should prompt you about the 100 GB promotion, obviously accept. This means you’ll have to turn on camera upload (so preferably do this on Wi-Fi) but as soon as you get the quota increased toast notification, you can turn camera upload off again without issue.

You can sign an onedrive account with my refer link to add more 500 MB space.

Click here to download OneDrive_Samsung.zip








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