
免费vps,免费ssh,2月份申请的,到现在还在使用。尤其是ssh,经测试,挺稳定的。官网上说,可以免费使用一年(以上),但是每月只有10个名额,先到先得。在每月的一号早上去申请,一般都能申请得到,但是是建立在你比别人早的前提下。对于该空间,建议能真正使用的人去申请,不要浪费,必竟名额不多。申请地址:http://ams.hub.org/signup ,如果要申请该免费VPS,要使用优惠码:FreeHosting 选择第一种类型的VPS,即可以申请成功。信箱要真实,要到信箱激活的。我使用的是gmail.com的邮箱。

Starting this month (ie. effective right now), we are giving away *10* Free Starter VPSs each month. Purely on a first come, first serve basis, once all 10 are gone, they are gone until the 1st day of the next month.
This is *not* cPanel hosting … this is a true VPS, with full shell access, and root.
To grab them up is simple:Go to http://ams.hub.org/signup
Fill in the form and:
Choose the *Annual Starter Package* Enter the word “FreeHosting” for the Coupon Field.and that is it.
The process will confirm your email address, after which it will be auto-activated and ready for you to use.This is only applicable to the *Annual Starter*.It runs just like any other Starter account, you just don’t have to pay for the *First Year* of service on it, but you are responsible for any form of overusage that the account does accrue.
And spread the word …
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Hosting Solutions S.A.
scrappy@??? http://www.hub.org
Yahoo:yscrappy Skype: hub.org ICQ:7615664



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